Well, here I am. My first day with a Newgrounds profile is almost done. It's 10:58 here, only an hour till midnight. I've posted some reviews today, but I doubt I'll be able to contribute more than reviews to this great site. I can't animate, so that's out. I don't have music- making software or anythin, so that's also out. Even though I can draw pretty well, I don't have a way to transfer art from the paper to the computer, so I can't even do that. I wish I could do more, but I still have some say on what gets blammed or saved on this site. I know it doesn't sound like much, but hey it's something. Anyway, I guess I'll shut up and post this now, so the Icon on my "posts list" can stop crying. Cheers, Newgrounders!
Everything by Everyone!
~ Etheral117